
Official Collections

Genisis 10K PFP

Genisis 10K PFP

Billionaire Zombies Club is an NFT Metaverse project built on the Polygon Network Blockchain. This is the genesis collection of the Billionaire Zombies Club, and is your pass to play in the upcoming BZC P2E game.



Billionaire Zombies Club MetaCrystals can be used to mint BZC Metaverse Assets.

Metaverse Collection

Metaverse Collection

The BZC Metaverse Collection are NFT assets to be used in the Billionaire Zombies Club Metaverse ecosystem.

Skeleton Keys 2D

Skeleton Keys 2D

BZC Skeleton Keys are VIP membership passes for the the Billionaire Zombies Club and will have special utility in the BZC Ecosystem. 2D keys can be used to mint Skeleton Kings!

Skeleton Keys 3D

Skeleton Keys 3D

BZC Skeleton Keys are VIP membership passes for the the Billionaire Zombies Club and will have special utility in the BZC Ecosystem.
This collection has been used to mint in the first cycle of Skeleton Kings.

Skeleton Kings

Skeleton Kings

Skeleton Kings are the Masters of the BZC Metaverse and will have special utility in the BZC ecosystem.